Kindergarten Registration for September 2025

Kindergarten Registration for children who will be turning 5 by December 31, 2025 will be open from January 20-31, 2025. For more information about kindergarten registration, programming, pedagogy, gradual entry, click the button below.

Kindergarten Information

Rocky Mountain School District No. 6


Parent Learning Resources

​​​​​Mental Health is more than just not having mental illness - mental health is an important resource for everyday life. It affects how we feel, think, and understand the world. Good mental health and well-being helps us to stay balanced, be resilient, to enjoy life, cope with everyday stress and to bounce back from bigger set-backs. Mental Health is just one piece of a person's overall health. This means there is no "health" without mental health.

Mental Health challenges are common. At some point in our lifetime, most of us will either struggle with a mental health challenge ourselves, or know someone who is affected by one.

Rocky Mountain School District recognizes that schools are playing a leading role in supporting the mental health of children and youth through mental health promotion, and as watchful intervenors guiding individuals in distress along a pathway to care. To learn more, read the Rocky Mountain School District Mental Health in Schools Strategy.

For more information on how to support health and mental health

District staff and school staff work collaboratively with our community partners to increase timely access to support and services for child and youth mental health and substance use services.


Additional Links

SD6 Student Violence Threat Risk Assessment Fair Notice and Process Brochure

On October 31, 2014 the superintendents of the six Kootenay school districts signed the East /West Kootenay Boundary Violence Threat Risk Assessment Protocol. This is a document about how we work together with our partners as multi-agency teams, to prevent violence in our schools and communities. School districts are committed to investigating any threats to self and others.

The strength of this partnership between school districts and community partners lies in the multidisciplinary composition of the Violence Threat Risk Assessment Teams (VTRA) in each district. The VTRA team members will strive to share and review relevant information, details of threatening situation or evidence promptly, to collaborate effectively, and to make use of a broad range of expertise, as permitted by applicable federal and provincial privacy legislation.  This collaborative process will respect an individual’s rights to privacy and the safety of all, to the fullest extent possible. 

Sherri Mohoruk, Superintendent of Integrated Services and Safe Schools for the Ministry of Education was in attendance for the signing. Sherri stated “This is the first regional protocol in the province.  it makes sense, particularly in the Kootenays, given the crossover of the service areas of the community partners with the school districts”. In addition to the superintendents, the Southeast District Commander for RCMP and the Executive Director of Service Delivery for the Ministry of Children and Families Development have signed the protocol.