Kindergarten Registration for September 2025

Kindergarten Registration for children who will be turning 5 by December 31, 2025 will be open from January 20-31, 2025. For more information about kindergarten registration, programming, pedagogy, gradual entry, click the button below.

Kindergarten Information

Rocky Mountain School District No. 6


Engagement Sessions

Annually, community engagement sessions are hosted by Rocky Mountain School District to gather feedback on those priorities being actioned in accordance with the Strategic Plan. In addition, schools throughout the district host their own engagement sessions, primarily for parents, guardians and caregivers, to support their efforts in school improvement.

All in-person sessions are held in the Spring, and specific dates will be shared as they are confirmed. Online surveys will also be used to provide an alternate means for participation. 

For more information see:

Engagement cycle


Strategic plan

RMSD6 completed its 4-year strategic plan in the spring of 2023. The District is moving into its second year of the current strategic plan. 

The four priority areas identified in the 2023-24 to 2026-27 strategic plan are:

  1. Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
  2. Success for each learning
  3. Growing the capacity of self and others
  4. Stewardship for the future

The School District and schools will use these four priority areas and assessment data to inform their operational and school success plans.


What We Heard

Online engagement for the District’s 2023-24 to 2026-27 strategic plan is now closed.

The District compiled the feedback into a "What We Heard" document.  The District and schools will use that information to help create the school success plans.

Engagement sessions will be held again next year as part of the School District's commitment to the continuous improvement cycle

Framework for Enhancing Student Learning

The Framework for Enhancing Student Learning (FESL) brings a formalized approach to the planning and reporting expectations for schools with a focus on enhancing student learning and success. It combines accountability with evidence-informed decision making and system-wide continuous improvement to support equity of outcomes for all students in the provincial K-12 public system.

Each year as part of a continuous improvement cycle, District Administration develops an operational plan that outlines the goals, strategies that will be the focus of the work for the upcoming year.  Using a variety of student data as the foundation for decision making, schools develop school success plans that identifies targets for improving student learning. 

The voices of community partners, parents, students, and staff are critical to the process and input is sought through a variety of engagement activities throughout the year.

Visit Ministry of Education and Child Care BC for more information.