Rocky Mountain School District No. 6


​DPAC Purpose

The District Parent Advisory Council of School District 6, Rocky Mountain , known as “DPAC” is the umbrella organization that brings together the Parent Advisory Councils (PACs) of the Kimberley , Windermere and Golden Zones of School District No. 6.

To support, encourage and improve the quality of education and the well being of students in School District No. 6 ( Rocky Mountain ) by:

  • Exchanging ideas and information among Parent Advisory Councils in the School District.
  • Providing information regarding educational and community matters to parents and Parent Advisory Councils.
  • Providing the parental voice to educational decision-making organizations affecting the School District.

  • To promote the interests of public education by fostering co-operation and communication among parents, students, educators and school district representatives.
  • To advise the school board on parental views about the school district's programs and policies.
  • To communicate with PACs about school district policies, programs, and activities.
  • To provide leadership in developing and understanding the rights and responsibilities of parents within the education system.
  • To assist parents and PACs in accessing the system.
  • To assist its members in obtaining information about school, district and provincial programs and policies, and in communicating with district representatives.
  • To liaise with partner groups and community organizations.
  • To promote a positive image of the public school system within the district.

Workshops and seminars:

  • We send representatives to the BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils’ (BCCPACFall Leadership Conferences and the Spring Conference/AGM.
  • With sufficient interest we are able to organize District-wide Education Workshops.
  • We can bring in BCCPAC PAC Ed Workshops into our communities.


  • Member of the British Columbia Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils (BCCPAC)
  • DPAC Advocacy Steering Committee (joint venture with Southeast Kootenay DPAC, SD #5)
  • DPAC Advocacy Advisory Committee (joint venture with Southeast Kootenay DPAC, SD #5)

Resources, Information and support:

  • Resource material and information on issues of interest to PACs and parents. 
  • Issues, questions or concerns brought forward to the DPAC Chair will be dealt with promptly. Action may be advice, referral to appropriate persons or making contact to find answers.


  • Rocky Mountain DPAC has joined the Southeast Kootenay DPAC and the BCCPAC Advocacy to bring the Advocacy project to our districts. Currently the goals of the Joint Advocacy Project are systems advocacy and natural advocacy. 
  • Various BCCPAC Advocacy resource materials are available to borrow. 

You can contact DPAC:

  • Via email to​ ​
  • Via district mail service, marking the envelope with “DPAC, Attention __________"​