Rocky Mountain School District No. 6

Children outside in a circle


Early Learning and Child Care 

The Ministry of Education and Child Care provides funding for several early learning and child care initiatives across the province. Rocky Mountain School District participates in many of these projects and has also created and implemented a variety of district-based programs and activities. You can read about all of these initiatives in the Rocky Mountain School District 6 Early Learning and Child Care Annual Reports.

2023-2024 Annual Report.

2022-2023 Annual Report. 

Additionally, a list of all available community programs and services can be found in Kimberley, Columbia Valley, and Golden


For information about StrongStart times and locations click here.

Please click on the community links below to learn more about additional early years programs in your area! 


Columbia Valley


You can read the monthly Southeast Kootenay Child Care Resource and Referral newsletter here.

You can read the Golden Early Years Calendar and Newsletter here.

Child Care Resource and Referrals across the school district have FREE Toy Lending Libraries for families with children birth to 5 years of age. Families can sign up by completing a registration form and then they can borrow books, toys, and other learning materials to explore with their children.

For more information in Golden, click here.

For more information in the Columbia Valley, click here.

For more information in Kimberley, click here.

Learning in the Primary Years

The Ministry of Education and Child Care has revised the Primary Program Framework first published in 2000. Now called Learning in the Primary Years, the updated resource supports learning in Kindergarten through Grade 3 and reflects pedagogy inclusive of Indigenous worldviews, as well as the current B.C. context. The new resource supports holistic learning and builds on concepts in the B.C. Early Learning Framework. This resource is free to download from the Learning in the Primary Years web page 

Image of the cover of the Early Learning Framework book


Early Learning Framework

B.C.'s Early Learning Framework was revised in 2019 to expand the focus on children from birth to five years to include children from birth to eight years. This means the vision, principles, and context articulated here are relevant to working with children (and their families) from birth to Grade 3.

This Framework now connects to the Core Competencies found in the BC Curriculum, it strives to contribute to lasting reconciliation with Indigenous people, it strengthens the vision of inclusive spaces and practices for all children, and it envisions learning and being as a holistic process. 

Families can learn more by reading A Guide for Families which highlights the vision and principles of the Framework. Educators can reference the From Theory to Practice resource to deepen their understanding of the Framework and guide them in the implementation process.

Additionally, families can learn more about the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Early Learning Frameworks in the Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care Framework document.

Early Learning Framework (FR)

Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care Framework (FR)

A Guide for Families Cover Photo


Play-Based Learning Resources

There are several documents that have been created in support of the Early Learning Framework that parents and educators my find helpful. Play Today is a guide to support educators, parents, and families in providing high quality, play-based learning experiences. Play Today! A Guide for Families provides examples of play that children lead as well as play that can be guided by adults. It explains how learning happens and invites family members and caregivers to consider the value of play experiences for learning at home and elsewhere. Let's Play! Activities for Families includes ideas for play that connect with the Living Inquiries as described in the Early Learning Framework. 





Early Literacy 

The Ministry of Education and Child Care has created a resource for families on how to support Literacy development at home with children. This document can be found here and will be available to families at Ready, Set, Learn events across the school district.