Rocky Mountain School District No. 6

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What is The Childhood Experiences Questionnaire (CHEQ)?

The CHEQ is an opportunity for parents and caregivers to share their child's early years experiences. The CHEQ looks at five domains (Physical Health and Well-being, Language and Cognitive experiences, Social and Emotional Experiences, Early Learning and Care, and Community and Context) that are strongly linked to children's health and well-being, education, and social outcomes. The information from the CHEQ helps communities understand how to support children and families prior to Kindergarten; it also helps schools with individual, classroom and school level planning. 

Information collected using the CHEQ is instantly summarized into individual, classroom and school level reports. These reports provide principals and teachers with detailed overviews of their new group of Kindergarten students. This information provides insight into the specific needs of each class and informs planning for the school year. Information is also summarized at the district level and builds on HELP's history of sharing data with community stakeholders in an effort to help create the conditions that most effectively support families. District reports highlight areas of development where children are not gaining the valuable experience they need to be ready for Kindergarten, and can assist stakeholders in making evidence-based decisions about programming and services for young children and families in their communities. 

Parents of Kindergarten children from participating schools across British Columbia complete the CHEQ at the beginning of the school year. Teachers complete the Early Development Instrument (EDI) the following February. The CHEQ provides parents' insights on a child's context that can supplement teachers' observations on the EDI. Schools and communities can use information collected with the CHEQ to think about their current group of Kindergarten students and how the experiences those children had prior to Kindergarten might influence the skills and competencies measured on the EDI. Information from the CHEQ and the EDI, along with other tools, can be used to brainstorm ways to support children and families.