A great step towards further food security as additional funding is announced for critical food infrastructure. The Land to Table Network Society received $1 million through the provincial Critical Food Infrastructure Fund (CFIF) to develop the Food Shed, a North Okanagan-based warehouse, which will support the distribution of nutritious food to those in need across multiple regions.
The project will involve upgrading a centrally located cold-storage warehouse in Armstrong to collect, combine, process, store, market and distribute food. The upgrades will help schools, institutions, food banks and non-profit organizations in nearby regions connect to year-round, local, affordable food.
Eric Larocque, School Food Coordinator, Rocky Mountain School District No. 6 – “Having worked in the food-security sector for several years now, it has become apparent that there are large infrastructure and logistical challenges facing the Interior of British Columbia. A lot of rural and remote communities face issues accessing fresh and B.C.-grown foods, especially in our food banks and school food programs. It is through initiatives like this that real, positive changes can be made in food access and food security for all families in our province.”