The Board of Education of School District 6 (Rocky Mountain) is in the process of disposing of property located at 3628 Highway 95, Parson, British Columbia (formerly known as the Columbia Valley Elementary School). Specific details of the property are Lot 1, Plan 4473, L.D. 26, Section 30, Twnsp 24, Range 19, W5M, PID 014-809-362.
Prior to making any final decision with respect to the disposition of this property, the Board is seeking community input as to the best use for this land and invites written comments from the public on or before December 31, 2023.
Written comments, or further information requests can be sent to:
ATT: Alan Rice, Secretary Treasurer, School District 6 (Rocky Mountain)
PO Box 430 Invermere, BC V0A 1K0
Or emailed to: alan.rice@sd6.bc.ca
Or dropped off to the School Board Office, 620 4th Street; Invermere, BC.